The Circuit
The British Heart Foundation have now released a new national program for registration of all public access defibrillators. If you have a defib and its accessible to the public YOU NEED TO REGISTER IT NOW, even if you have previously registered it with your local ambulance service. Please click on the circuit graphic above to go directly to 'The Circuit' to register your defib. The Aston Defibrillator Fund fully supports this initiative by the BHF to provide one national database so that every ambulance station knows where they are.

Latest updated advice for Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest from the UK Resus Council is in a video - just click here to go to their website and see the short video. We urge everyone to watch and be aware of what to do in an emergency in these difficuly times. Stay safe!

The Aston Defibrillator Fund was established in September 2019 to focus on the provision, placement and maintenance of defibrillators in Farnham and the surrounding area.  Our trustees are working with the council to ensure Farnham has as many publicly accessible defibrillators (PADS) as possible.  Our mission statement fully outlines our purpose and objectives.

ADF Founders

The founders of the ADF Professor Tom Quinn with Keith Harris to the left and Joanna Michaelides to the right. 

Our main goals are simple:

· To fundraise for more equipment 

· To encourage local community organisations and businesses to provide or sponsor public access defibrillators 

· To offer advice to groups or individuals looking to site a public access defibrillator in their area.  We can also in some circumstances aid with financing a public access defibrillator. 

· To assist in the recruitment, training and management of a team of volunteer 'guardians' to help maintain the network of PAD that we hope will expand in Farnham and the surrounding areas.  Its a simple, but essential task, so please get involved in this community project. It's simple, easy to manage around even the busiest of schedules, and could really help save a life. Contact us now

Delighted to report that many organisations are already engaging in this community initiative. Click here to see the latest news.

Locations of all the public access defibrillators....

that we are aware of loaded onto a google map - just click here. The map is provided to help anyone in the area know and find the nearest defibrillator is they should ever need one and includes many that are owned and managed by local businesses and organisations. Do you know of more, or any details that are incorrect? Please contact us with any details and and we will add/ammend the details on the map. 

We are a community group, and whilst we offer encouragement, support and advice, the ADF cannot accept responsibility for the maintenance and state of readiness of any equipment in the event of an emergency. We are working hard to provide a maintenance process but we can only do so for those defibrillators that are adopted and therefore funded.  We provide the manpower, free of charge, to check on a bi weekly basis and replace batteries or pads that are coming to end of their life. The group of volunteer guardians ensure the locations are monitored for readiness, however the follow up action in many cases will remain the responsibility of groups or individuals outside of our control and we can therefore not accept any liability for it!